About the Album
Mirror Image: A Link to the Past ReMixed is the 63rd free community arrangement album published by OverClocked ReMix. It features eighteen arrangements of the soundtrack to legendary SNES RPG The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past from eighteen artists, in a variety of styles ranging from EDM to orchestral to jazz to prog rock, paying homage to composer Koji Kondo's amazing music and one of Nintendo's enduring classics.
Director Notes
"The music of the Legend of Zelda games has always been an integral part of the game experience, even being able to play musical instruments in the games themselves. We felt that A Link To The Past deserved more attention than it already got in the game music community, since many of composer Koji Kondo’s greatest and most iconic themes originated from this game. In celebration of the game's 25th anniversary, we set out to honour the legacy of its soundtrack by creating an arrangement album while also staying true to the awesome diversity that defines the remixing community. We hope you enjoy it!"

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Mirror #1 Mirror #2 Mirror #3Stream
1. "Timeless Journey"
By: Sam Dillard
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - "Overworld," The Legend of Zelda - "Above Ground," Zelda II - "Overworld BGM," The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks - "Overworld Adventure (Main Theme)," The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - "Ocean," The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - "Hyrule Field Main Theme," The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - "The Sky"
2. "Once Upon an Adventure"
- Source: "Title"
3. "Groove of the Goddess"
By: Jamphibious
- Source: "The Goddess Appears," "Princess Zelda's Rescue"
4. "The Young Princess Whispers in Your Dream"
By: Jeff Ball
- Source: "Opening Demo"
5. "Raining at Hyrule Castle"
By: WillRock
- Source: "Hyrule Castle"
6. "Excuuuuuuuse Me, Princess"
- Source: "Princess Zelda's Rescue"
7. "Church Reflections"
By: Yoann Turpin
- Source: "Church"
8. "The Chicken's Tale"
By: XPRTNovice
- Source: "Kakariko Village"
9. "Dungeon Shuffle"
By: bLiNd
- Source: "Sanctuary Dungeon"
10. "We're the Fugawe Forest"
By: XPRTNovice feat. Wiesty
- Source: "Forest"
11. "Technicolor Thunderstorm"
By: Hylian Lemon
- Source: "Dark Mountain Forest"
12. "The Darkest World"
By: DaMonz
- Source: "Dark World"
13. "As Above, So Below"
By: Chimpazilla
- Source: "Dark World Dungeon"
14. "Calamity"
By: Fishy
- Source: "Ganon's Message," "Battle with Ganon"
15. "The Triforce of Sorrow"
By: Doc Nano feat. Jeff Ball, Denis Bluteau, Kristin Naigus
- Source: "Triforce Chamber," "The Goddess Appears," "Overworld"
16. "A Link to the Future"
By: DDRKirby(ISQ)
- Source: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - "Ending (Story)," "Title"; Super Mario Bros. - "Overworld BGM"
17. "Nayru's Hymn"
By: bLiNd
- Source: "Ending (Staff Roll)"
18. "The Dankest Chips"
By: DaMonz
- Source: "Dark World"

William Harby
Jordan Aguirre
Timmie Wong
Doc Nano
Alex Johnson-Buck
Hylian Lemon
Benjamin Hoffman
Jeff Ball
Jeff Ball
Blake Troise
Sam Dillard
Sam Dillard
Joe Zieja

Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans.
OCRは1999年に創立されて、ゲーム音楽への感謝、保存、演出に専念するための組織です。OCRの主要な活動は ocremix.org で見つかるインターネットサイト。このサイトに数百のゲーム音楽好きに作られたリミックスのMP3と、ゲームの音楽と作曲家の情報と、音楽家を熱望している人のための供給源と、にぎやかなゲーム音楽のファンがいっぱいいます。